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Hernia Mesh Lawsuits


Hernia mesh is a surgical mesh used to add strength to weak tissue in hernia repair surgeries with the purpose of reducing the risk that the hernia will come back. Hernia repair surgery has been performed since the late 1880s, but the use of hernia mesh did not become standard until the 1990s. Unfortunately, many hernia mesh products are defective, and some have been withdrawn from the market. There are many types of hernia mesh and several manufacturers. If you have experienced complications or side effects after hernia mesh surgery or required subsequent surgeries, defective hernia mesh may be the cause. You may be able to recover compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other harm that you have suffered.

Defective Hernia Mesh Injuries

While there are many types of hernias and even more types of hernia mesh, there are some common complications, side effects and injuries cause by defective mesh. They include:

  • Mesh migration
  • Mesh erosion
  • Mesh shrinkage
  • Holes, called fistulas, forming between organs or other body parts
  • Organ perforation
  • Adhesion
  • Bowel obstruction
  • Abscess
  • Infection, including antibiotic-resistant infection
  • Mesh rejection
  • Foreign body response – chronic inflammation and the eventual encapsulation of the mesh in scar tissue
  • Allergic reaction to coating on the hernia mesh
  • Skin rash which goes away after mesh is removed
  • Severe dental problems and tooth loss in patients who suffer chronic infection from the mesh
  • Abnormal liver function
  • Neurological problems
  • Chronic pain
  • Recurrence of hernia
  • Multiple revision surgeries to remove all of the mesh

How Can We Help

Defective hernia mesh can cause life-long injuries, including severe pain and diminished quality of life. Hernia mesh injuries can be fatal. If you have been harmed by defective mesh, attorney Ted Forman is here to help you hold the device maker responsible for the harm they have caused to you and so many others. To learn more, please give us a call today at (800) 827-7731 or email us and schedule your free consultation.

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